Link your wallet and recharge

Once the wallet is linked then you can recharge in the game!

2. The following window pops up, select metamask and bind the wallet.

3. Then a pop-up window will automatically appear, click "next", click "connect"

4. Select it, and click "save".

5. At this time, the plug-in will pop up, click "sign", your wallet shall be linked ~


2. Exchange rate between BUSD, gold, silver and copper

3. GOLD:Click the deposit in the BUSD, enter the amount you need to recharge, click confirm, and the coins will be recharged into the game.

MC:Click the deposit in the MC, enter the amount you need to recharge, click confirm, and MC will be recharged into the game.(if there's no MC in your wallet,SWAP first)

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Top-up tutorial for beginner

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